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Eleventh project meeting The eleventh
project meeting in Příbram took place from 14 to 17 December 2016. On Thursday
the Dutch visitors were divided into three groups and visited different Czech schools
according to their interests – kindergarten Perníková Chaloupka, Waldorf School,
Elementary school Pod Svatou Horou. At schools, our partners were observing the
educational process, visited different lessons and participated in activities
related to Christmas customs and traditions. At the elementary school, one
Dutch teacher had the opportunity to lead the PE lesson and the pupils of the
fifth class could practice sports as well as the English language. In the
afternoon, the guests visited the Christmas event at the kindergarten Bratří
Čapků and admired a beautiful performance full of poems and songs which local
children prepared for their parents and grandparents. On Friday, there was an artephiletics workshop in the kindergarten Klubíčko. Besides the Dutch partners also Czech partners from other schools participating in this project were involved. The topic of the workshop were winter activities. Because of the fact that this project focuses on customs and traditions, we also visited a museum called Čechova Stodola in the surroundings of Příbram. An Angel led us through the Christmas exhibition which was full of paintings and figures, in the hell we met a devil and later on we reached the heaven through the heaven door. The exhibition presents Czech traditional Christmas traditions and is accompanies by an exposition of Bethlehem nativity scenes. Our Dutch partners were really shocked by the devil and we were discussing for a long time this tradition. Czech children are used to it however Dutch children would be really scared to meet the devil face to face. On Friday we also manage to attend a special event called Welcoming of Angels and the cultural programme organised in the square. The presentation of Czech Christmas customs was finished by the visit of advent Prague. Christmas traditions in Holland and the Czech Republic are slightly different, for example, Christmas tree and presents are brought in the Czech Republic by the little Jesus on Christmas day. In Holland Sinterklaas brings the presents to Dutch children in November and December and on Christmas day, families only gather to have a common lunch. All comments, similarities and differences related to traditions in both countries will be reflected in a book which is the main output of this project. We believe that this book will be really interesting to read.