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Second project meeting The second project meeting was held in Hoorn from 20 April to 23 April. The participants of this meeting were teachers of kindergartens and elementary schools in Příbram as well as the employees of the Educational Institute of the Central Bohemian Region. During the meeting we get to know personally the coordinators from all involved schools and visited all our partners. We learnt about specifics of the Dutch system of education and discussed about the aim, goals and expectations regarding our project. We also discusses about the programme of the up-coming meetings and their topics. We all came to a consensus, that our reciprocal visits were very inspiring for all of us, we transferred our experience and got enriched by new traditions and customs. The partners in Holland expressed a wish to learn more about the education of art, music and PE in the Czech Republic. The most interesting aspect for us was the independence of pupils on different levels of education.