Project Erasmus+ „Customs and Traditions in Europe as an Educational Concept for Preschool and Primary Education“ 


Introduction Mobilities Results Media

Eighth project meeting

The eighth project meeting was held in Příbram from 29 May to 2 June.  Dutch partners visited Kindergarten Perníková Chaloupka and Školní where they were interested in outdoor activities for children. During the visit to the elementary school Svata Hora all participants could try making ceramics on their own. The workshop leader Ms Petra Poslušná will burn the ceramic pictures and prepare them for sending to Hoorn during the next project meeting in September. This workshop was a presentation of after-school activities for elementary school pupils. An integral part of this meetin was also an artephiletic workshop which was realised in the park of the castle of Breznice. The topic of the workshop was colours, feeling of colours and their symbols.